18 May 2022
Intent Statement for RSE
The subject leader for RSE is Miss Laura-Mae Gregory.
They can be contacted by emailing using the subject title FAO of Miss Laura-Mae Gregory.
With oversight and support from our Senior Leadership team subject leaders oversee and monitor the intent, implementation and impact of their subject.
The RSE curriculum intends, by the end of Primary School, to cover
the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS. The curriculum is taught through weekly PSHE sessions, with RSE (covered in the Relationships (R) strand) covering;
- Families and People who care for me
- Caring Friendships
- Respectful Relationships
- Online Relationships
- Being Safe
Reception |
Year 1/2 |
Year 3/4 |
Year 5/6 |
How do we feel?
What makes us special? |
What is bullying?
What is the same and different about us?
How do we show our feelings? |
What is diversity?
What can we do about bullying?
How can we be a good friend?
How can we describe our feelings? |
What does discrimination mean?
What makes a healthy happy relationship?
Additional RSE Teaching: |
PANTS- ‘Pantosaurus’
Diversity Week
Anti-Bullying Week |
Diversity Week
Anti-Bullying Week |
Sex Education: Puberty and Making Babies
Diversity Week
Anti-Bullying Week |
Following from this, discrete teaching of ‘Sex Education’ is provided in Upper Key Stage Two, with teaching on ‘puberty’ and the ‘changes boys and girls go through’ being statutory. ‘How babies are made’ is optional for parents to withdraw their children should they wish, and again this is taught discretely in Upper Key Stage Two.