

09 Nov 2021

Intent Statement for PE
The subject leader for Physical Education (PE) is Miss Sally Williamson.

They can be contacted by emailing using the subject title FAO of Miss Sally Williamson.

With oversight and support from our Senior Leadership team subject leaders oversee and monitor the intent, implementation and impact of their subject.


We strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy Physical Education, encourage each other and achieve. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.  

At North Stainley, we offer a dynamic, varied and stimulating programme of activity to ensure that all children progress physically through an inspirational, unique and fully inclusive Physical Education Curriculum. We encourage all children to develop their understanding of the way in which they can use their body, equipment and apparatus safely yet imaginatively to achieve their personal goals. All children have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and using the medium of sport, increase their self-esteem. We aspire for children to adopt a positive mind-set and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience.  

The aim of Physical Education is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Children are taught to observe and follow the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. We believe this will embed life-long values such as co-operation, collaboration and equity of play.  

We provide opportunities for children to learn how to stay safe by participating in swimming lessons. They will continue until they have become confident in the water, they know how to keep safe and also until they meet the National Curriculum requirement of swimming 25 metres by the end of Year 6.  

Our PE Curriculum, along with PSHCE and science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and the need for good nutrition. At North Stainley, we aim for children to develop the necessary knowledge and skills which will have a positive impact on their future by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being.  

PE Rationale 

A high-quality Physical Education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.  

PE Policy


By the time children reach the end of Year Six they will be working in line with age related national expectations. They will have competed intra and inter school competitions. They will have secure knowledge of the wide-ranging benefits of regular exercise and will have developed a passion and enthusiasm for one or more sports or forms of exercise.  

At North Stainley, children will develop a broad range of physical skills including balance, co-ordinated movement, spatial awareness and will be able to apply these in a range of traditional and non-traditional sporting contexts such as team games, individual sports, athletics, gymnastics, dance and swimming. Children will be able to clearly and accurately measure and evaluate their performance, suggesting ways to improve and recognise their success, achievements and personal bests. Children will be able to run, jump, throw and catch accurately and with confidence in a variety of contexts. They will have a well-developed sense of the tactics and skills needed to attack and defend within a variety of traditional e.g. netball and hockey, and non-traditional e.g. dodgeball, games/sports. Through all PE learning, children will develop strength, flexibility and good balance which can be applied within team games, dance, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities. Children will confidently perform movement including dance to peers and parents in contexts such as productions or sharing assembly performances.  

Children will use PE to help regulate their physical and emotional health. They will learn how to work and play alongside others following and implementing rules and tactics. They will learn to show respect to their team, competitors, coaches and officials.    

PE - Long Term Plan - 2021  

The measure of impact is presently being developed by subject leaders.

By the time children leave our school we intend all our children to: 
  • Understand the importance and value of being physically active and mentally healthy.  
  • Be inspired to continue to be psychically active and resilient.  
  • Have had a broad range of physical activity in different environments.  
  • Have experienced successes physically by themselves and with others. 

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