
Key Information

07 Jan 2022

Within this section you will find information which all schools are asked to publish and make available on their websites.
Please refer to our Publication Scheme on the policies page for more information.
If you have any questions regarding anything contained in this section of the website please contact:
Mrs Wallen (Headteacher) 
01765 635276


Anglican & Methodist Inspection

Anti Bullying

At North Stainley CE Primary School we take the risk of bullying very seriously.
We use the 
Anti Bullying Alliance definition of bullying – The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. The children focus on anti-bullying strategies at least one week every term through assemblies, workshops and PSHCE lessons. We invite external groups like Childline and NSPCC to support our work.

If your child thinks they are being bullied please speak to a member of staff immediately so that we can resolve it.

Here is a leaflet that might help you:

Special Educational Needs - SEND

For information reguard Special Educational Needs (SEND) please follow the link here


To make a complaint please view our Complaints Procedure.  

School Data

School Development Plan

Our school development plan sets out our key priorities for the coming year.  It is developed and evaluated by staff, Governors, children and parents. Please see current Development plan here:


School Performance Tables


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