Welcome to your home learning page.
31 May 2020
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for all your hard work yesterday - what a fantastic start you all made! I'm pleased you all seemed to have a good holiday and you spent a bit of time over the weekend following the SpaceX rocket like me.
I'm working on getting you involved with us in school with some virtual sessions so hopefully this will be soon.
You will notice today that I have changed the deadline again to 4 pm - just so I can keep on top of everything both from home and school.
I have put all the maths sheets up for the week but I will still give you an upload option each day. As I said yesterday, I won't put a deadline on the topic work - just do what you can.
Keep in mind too, that I'm going to allow Fridays for catch up days.
Have a lovely day - keep up the good work!
Miss Williamson x