Welcome to your home learning page.
10 Jun 2020
Hello Everyone,
Well it certainly has been a learning process with Teams this week. It has been great that some of you have been working with your friends so well done for that.
Today we will have a Daily Challenge that will last 10-15 minutes. We won't have any Chrome books out in class and I will ask you to speak or you can ask me if you want to speak. That way we shouldn't have any excess noise.
I think the Chat option is really useful. I have it on all day so please feel free to message me if you have any questions - it is important that we keep up our hard work so that we are starting Year 6/7 being the best that we can be.
Please try to join us for story at the end of the day with your Cosmic backgrounds. The book is getting really good. I will send you a reminder around 3ish. See you later!
Miss Williamson x