Class 1 - R, Y1, Y2 Purple Ribbon Award

28 Jun 2024
Class 1 - R, Y1, Y2
For his super attitude to all that we do in class and out of lessons too!
R Y1 Y2 - Class 1
28 Jun 2024
Class 1 - R, Y1, Y2
for how hard he is working on neatening up his handwriting.
R Y1 Y2 - Class 1
28 Jun 2024
Class 1 - R, Y1, Y2
For how hard she has worked on getting her work finished on time without a fuss!
R Y1 Y2 - Class 1
26 Jun 2024
Class 1 - R, Y1, Y2
for her resilience and aspiration with all of her assessments this week!
R Y1 Y2 - Class 1

'Purple Ribbon Award' List 2023-24

Award Date Name Reason
21 Jun 2024 Olive For always showing her LOVE to everyone in school!
21 Jun 2024 Oliver For how aspirational he has been in phonics this week.
14 Jun 2024 Herbert for how resilient all year 1 have been, getting ready for phonics screening. You all did amazing!
14 Jun 2024 Toby for how resilient all year 1 have been, getting ready for phonics screening. You all did amazing!
14 Jun 2024 Daniel for how resilient all year 1 have been, getting ready for phonics screening. You all did amazing!
14 Jun 2024 Olive for how resilient all year 1 have been, getting ready for phonics screening. You all did amazing!
14 Jun 2024 Beauden Again! For how resilient and aspirational he has been for phonics this week!
14 Jun 2024 Edward for how resilient all year 1 have been, getting ready for phonics screening. You all did amazing!
14 Jun 2024 Abigail for her super independent writing AND for being a super help to Miss Peacock this week!!
07 Jun 2024 Elizabeth for her AMAZING independent writing!
07 Jun 2024 Toby for how aspirational he has been with his writing and phonics this week!
07 Jun 2024 Beauden for getting all of his spellings correct this week!
24 May 2024 Florence for how hard she is working on her cohesion in writing
24 May 2024 Herbert for really working on his aspiration this half term.
24 May 2024 Oliver for how hard he is trying in ALL his learning!
17 May 2024 Henry for his aspiration with his love of reading - he has asked for the challenge of chapter books.
17 May 2024 Elizabeth for working on being resilient when things don't go a certain way - Keep it up!
17 May 2024 Edward for his amazing writing this week and independence he is applying in reading.
10 May 2024 Rafferty For his MASSIVELY improved learning attitude in ALL that we do!
10 May 2024 Olive For the progress, fluency and accuracy she is showing in her reading!
10 May 2024 Abigail for always looking out for her friends and peers - you're so caring!
03 May 2024 Florence for how well she is working on making her writing make sense!
03 May 2024 Finley for his super independence and how well he is taking to adult led activities!
03 May 2024 Finley for his super independence and how well he is taking to adult led activities!
03 May 2024 Elizabeth for her fluent reading and applying her new phonics sounds in her writing!!
26 Apr 2024 Toby for his resilience and aspiration in maths this week! You're really applying your methods!
26 Apr 2024 Edmee for her aspiration in her writing this week - she did DOUBLE what was asked of her!
26 Apr 2024 Oliver for increased independence in his sentence writing! Your confidence is growing!
19 Apr 2024 Elizabeth For how well she has taken on her new phonics AND getting on with her teen numbers.
19 Apr 2024 Abigail For how well she has taken on her new phonics AND getting on with her teen numbers.
19 Apr 2024 Henry for his aspiration with his reading in the holidays and his hard work on money in maths.
19 Apr 2024 Oliver For how well he has taken on his new phonics AND getting on with his teen numbers.
19 Apr 2024 Edward for his writing this week! Your pace and neatness AND fluency is making great progress.
12 Apr 2024 Rafferty for how independent, aspirational and confidently he has done writing this week.
12 Apr 2024 Olive for the friendship she has shown this week nurturing and helping the younger children.
12 Apr 2024 Abigail For how positive she has been this week after 2 weeks off! She was engaged beautifully in all her learning!
15 Mar 2024 Florence For how hard she is working on her continuous, cursive handwriting and for always being engaged in her learning! What a little Star!
15 Mar 2024 Olive For working really hard on her resilience this week and giving it her all in her assessments! Super Star Olive!
15 Mar 2024 Elizabeth For being really resilient this week when things haven't gone her way! Excellent self-regulation!
08 Mar 2024 Henry for his maths this week and showing great indépendance.
08 Mar 2024 Herbert for his brilliant writing this week - you are starting to show aspiration.
08 Mar 2024 Oliver for his super attitude to all his learning and being an amazing friend to all.
23 Feb 2024 Edward For his super learning attitude being aspirational in all that he does!
23 Feb 2024 Edmee For her exceptional writing this week, recall in all subjects and always showing all of our values!
23 Feb 2024 Abigail For the resilience she has shown this week, coming into to school beautifully and working so hard!
09 Feb 2024 Beauden for how hard he has been working on his sentence writing and handwriting AND spellings!!
09 Feb 2024 Oliver for how aspirational he has been this half term. You are making great progress.
09 Feb 2024 Toby for always having a keen attitude in all his learning - especially with his writing at the moment.
02 Feb 2024 Rafferty for the resilience and positive attitude when we have maths - you find it tricky but are really trying!
02 Feb 2024 Daniel for his super attitude in all we do - especially in his reading and maths!
02 Feb 2024 Abigail for how much she has worked on her resilience! She giggles and smiles all day long once settled.
26 Jan 2024 Henry For how he always tried his hardest in all his work and helping others to understand too!
26 Jan 2024 Olive For her aspirational attitude in all that we do and always being the best she can be.
26 Jan 2024 Elizabeth For her super recall in all her work and for her super resilience when her work isn't finished on time.
20 Dec 2023 Toby For making fantastic progress in his phonics and his writing. Keep up the hard work Toby!!
20 Dec 2023 Edmee For being incredibly helpful in class, for becoming so mature and resilient with her work as well as with the performances she has been in over Christmas. Fabulous!!
20 Dec 2023 Ollie For an excellent performance in the nativity, despite having only just started school in September,he was a star. Well done Ollie!!
08 Dec 2023 Rafferty For successfully trying to be more independent in all areas of school life. Excellent Rafferty. Well done!
08 Dec 2023 Ollie For his incredible progress in writing and phonics recently. Fantastic, keep it up Ollie!
08 Dec 2023 Finley For his independence, for showing good manners and also for saying and signing sorry. Well done Finley!
01 Dec 2023 Henry For always helping other children with their learning and for always being such a good friend. Fantastic!!
01 Dec 2023 Toby For his amazing independence in maths this week. He is an addition and subtraction star!!
01 Dec 2023 Elizabeth For all of the effort she puts into dough disco and for her independent creativity when modelling and crafting. Very Well Done Elizabeth!
24 Nov 2023 Abigail For showing such resilience this week. Abigail has been feeling a bit under the weather but is still keen to learn. Well Done!
24 Nov 2023 Olive For an excellent attitude to learning. She is a model Year one and is always aspirational. Keep it up Olive!
24 Nov 2023 Florence For having such a fantastic attitude to learning, she is always keen and ready to have a go. Florence's stamina in writing has really as shown this week in RE. Well done!!
17 Nov 2023 Edmee For being aspirational in her writing this week and always doing all she can to help others. Fabulous!!
17 Nov 2023 Edward For his aspiration whilst challenging himself and his independence whilst doing this in maths. Very Well Done!
17 Nov 2023 Ollie For working so hard on his phonics AND his maths! Fantastic Ollie, keep up the good work.
27 Oct 2023 Beauden For the resilience he has been showing this half term and for his really good recall of his learning. Well done!!
27 Oct 2023 Herbert For consistently trying hard in all of his learning and always doing that little bit extra, especially in his maths and his topic work. Fantastic Herbert!
27 Oct 2023 Elizabeth For her super attitude to all the she does in school.She is also such a kind and caring member of Reception. This is wonderful Elizabeth!
20 Oct 2023 Finley For showing fantastic resilience and for sitting for longer in phonics and in story time. Brilliant Finley!
20 Oct 2023 Rafferty For being so engaged in his lessons and for how much effort he is putting into being independent. Keep it up Rafferty!
20 Oct 2023 Abigail For her consistent enthusiasm in all that she does and for also having such an aspirational attitude. Excellent Abigail!
13 Oct 2023 Daniel For his super work in maths this week. You are really aspirational Daniel!!
13 Oct 2023 Henry For his wonderful independent writing when creating a leaflet about our school in history.Well done!
13 Oct 2023 Elizabeth For really trying hard in phonics this week and for writing words independently. Fantastic!
29 Sep 2023 Edmee For always being ready to learn and for giving 100% to her learning. She is a star!
29 Sep 2023 Olive For how well she engages in all of her work. She is always ready to learn and does so with independence. Fantastic!
29 Sep 2023 Abigail For her super attitude in phonics, she always joins in with a big smile on her face. Well done Abigail!
22 Sep 2023 Florence For getting 8 out of 8 in her first spelling test this year! She has been working incredibly hard and is being truly aspirational!!
22 Sep 2023 Toby For his amazing attitude in his learning and towards all of school life. What a super start to year one!!
22 Sep 2023 Ollie For having made so much progress over his first 3 weeks in school.He has settled in and is taking part in all of the learning. Well done Ollie!!
15 Sep 2023 Rafferty For coming back to school in Year Two with super maturity and a great attitude towards all that we do in school. Well done Rafferty! Keep it up!
15 Sep 2023 Edward For his excellent learning attitude and his attitude towards the new routines in Class One. Well done!

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