Teams instructions
24 Jun 2020
In order for you to join the session, you need to follow the below steps:
- You should have received an email form Mrs. Wallen (on the 11th June) with your child’s email on it. You then need to log onto Office 365 ( using this email and the password: Staggering!
- Once you log onto Office 365, click on the ‘outlook’ icon and there should be an email with the details of the meeting on it and a link to follow.
- Alternatively, after step 1, you can click on the ‘Teams’ icon and it will take you to the teams main page where you can play around and get to know the site. There will be the calendar; this will show you the scheduled meeting at 1pm for you to click on to join.
Please note: You simply just need to follow the same rules and guidelines we would at school in relation to behaviour, dressing appropriately and general conduct. An adult just needs to be nearby to help with any technical difficulties once logged on and connected! It would also be great if you could mute your mic while I read just so there is little to no interference 😊