SI Work for WB: 04.01.2021
04 Jan 2021
Self Isolation Work for Week Beginning: 04.01.2021
Welcome back and here's so a happy, healthy and safe 2021!
As it's the first week back, it will be spent settling back into routines, launching our new topic and reassessing where everyone is ready to start off on the right foot! Please find below self-isolation work for Reception and Year One.
Our new Topic is.... PIRATES!
Please feel free while you are off to make anything pirate related! From telescopes out of wrapping papaer tubes to build a ship out of the lego! You could design your own flag and draw your own pirates! This would be great (especially Receptions) as this all links in directly with our continuous provision areas and learning.
-YrR Self Isolation Work WB 04.01.pdf-
Year One:
-Yr1 Self Isolation Work WB 04.01.pdf-
-Wanted Poster Template.docx-
Set 2 Sounds to revise