Additional Make Me Smile!
05 Jan 2021
Hello Class One! I was so sad not to welcome you all into the classroom yesterday morning with your smiling faces and stories to tell! I hope you had a good day despite going to bed on Monday night thinking you had school yesterday 😣
So I have two extra tasks for you to do this week whilst we are settling back in! (Work is set on the below article on the left of the screen whilst we prepare for next week!)
1. Please draw all your favourite things about your holidays and write me a little bit about what exciting things you did! You might draw what Santa brought for you, or a lovely walk you went on with your family or even you all playing a board game on New Years! I want to hear all about the fun that you been up to while you were away- we will talk about this in our meeting together on Monday afternoon!
2. Last time we had lockdown learning taking place at home, the children started to lose motivation etc. so they were challenged to come up with their own way of recording rewards/points! This would be an excellent little project to work on before Monday!
It can come in any form you like, from putting stones you have collected and painted into a bowl for each point, to making a really pretty/cool frame and keeping a tally or sticker chart! The possibilities are endless.. a little google search for inspiration helps too! (My link won't work but I just typed in DIY Reward Systems and there were some great ideas to get you started!)
Adding to this, anyone struggling for books to read, Oxford Owl is allowing free access to some of its books for you! I have added the information below for you to access the site now I have set up a class login!
Username: NSClass1
Password: Bookworm3
You can also use this page to upload other work as I know some of you uploaded yesterday so won't have anywhere to share today!