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Work for 6th/7th January

05 Jan 2022

If you have come to find this page, it is most undoubtably because you are having to isolate- so firstly I hope you're feeling ok and please know that I am here to support in anyway I can!

Secondly, as it is the first week back we are settling back in rather than starting anything new! On Friday we are going to the pantomine, so I will leave some Cinderella related activities for Friday to make it as fun as possible at home (I am so sorry you have to miss out 😥!)

Thursday 6th January

Year 2:

For your writing today, I would love for you to have a go at writing a thank you letter to Santa! This is a 'cold' task, so there is very little prompting etc. This is you writing independently, thinking of all the things you have learned about to include to make it interesting and your 'best peice of writing yet'. Think about the letter you wrote to the Ripon Walled Garden, or the letter you wrote to Santa!

What key words will you use?
How will you space your work out?
What WOW words can you use?
You could add a question into your letter
Think about your writing guys (poster below) for your continuous cursive handwriting

  -The Writing Guys Cursive PDF-.pdf-  

We will be doing lots of quick fire questioning today in maths. Why not work with an adult to create lots of simple addition and subtraction questions (only up to 100) and then have a mini test to see how accurate yet fast you can be at answering them!
There is also hit to button ( for practising quick fire maths questions! (works on computer and tablets) (look at numberbonds, halving, doubling.)
Lastly, hit the button is also a great resource for practising timestables and related division facts! Use this resource to have a practise of your 2's and 5's for consolidation, and then start to look at your 10's!

Fluency: Here is your Number of the day= 53
Fill out the sheet below!

  -Year 2 Number of the Day.pdf-  

Have a look back through your spellings book. Firstly, write down any words you have got wrong in your tests over the Autumn Term. Turn these into your own word cards and stick them up around the house! You will then be able to see the spellings wherever you go  in the house and learn them! (maybe worth sticking the trickiest one near the toilet, I've found no-one ever forgets how to spell the words nearest the toilet due to comedic value 😅!)

Friday 7th January

Year 2:

I have attached below a Cinderella Reading comprehension. Read through the text (and remember you can highlight key information if you wish to!) Then, use your comprehension and inference skills to help you to answer the questions! I have put up The Totally Pawesome Reading Gang to help you work out what each question is asking you for!

-Cinderella Comprehension.pdf-  

-Cinderella Comprehension Questions.pdf-    

-Cinderella Comprehension Answers.pdf-  

  -Totally Pawsome Reading Gang.pdf-  

Writing Art/Mindfullness:

Character Descriptions
I would like you to draw the two ugly sisters- being as creative as you wish with the term 'ugly'! Make sure to colour them in too.
Once complete, I would like you to write a character description for each of the Sisters. Think about your senses to help you describe them, and give at least one reason why they are a wicked ugly sister!
Remember when we are writing all the different skills we need- capital letters, full stops, spelling, paragraphs, WOW words, lists, adjectives, exclaimation marks, continuous cursive writing etc.

  -Example Character Description.pdf-  

Extra: Have a watch of a Cinderella Pantomine on youtube, or a Cinderella film if you have any! Can you discuss any similarities and differences to the below story or other versions of Cinderella you have read/seen?

  -Cinderella Story PPT.ppt-  



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