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Week Beginning 12.02.22

14 Feb 2022

Good Morning to those of you self isolating at home! I hope you're keeping well!

Year One:


This weeks sound is: ai, snail in the rain

Watch this video:

Once you have watched the video, can you make your own sound poster like we do in class and then write some ai words on- have a look in some books, or magasines or texts of writing around the house, how many ai words can you find?


Miss. Gregory got confused yesterday with the task set in class vs. the task set at home (oops!)

task a. Design your very own snail! Can you labvel all the different parts and write "snail in the rain"?
task b. See above ^^ (GG) and make your 'ai' poster like we do in class and add lots of 'ai' words you can find around the house!

Wednesday: Can you find the ai words while doing some reading this morning? Highlight/underline the ai words and colour in the pictures! Bonus Challenge: Can you add your dots and dashes to the ai words?


Thursday: Take today to practise your spellings from Friday! Then below there is an ai sheet to complete!


Today we will be doing our spelling test in class and writing in our new ones to practise!

Green Groups New Spelllings:


Pink Group New Spellings:


Maths: Hit the button for a starter each day would be great to increase fluency and accuracy!

We are continuing to look at arithematic, with Addition and Subtraction to 20.

Start by writing out your own numberline 0-20 to help you!

Then here is todays video:
Sheet:  -Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO4-Subtraction-not-crossing-10-2019.pdf-  
Answers:  -Y1-Spring-Block-1-ANS4-Subtraction-not-crossing-10-2019.pdf-  


Todays Video:
Todays Sheet:  -Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Subtraction-crossing-10-counting-back-.pdf-  
Todays Answers:   -Y1-Spring-Block-1-ANS-Subtraction-crossing-10-counting-back.pdf-  


Sheet: -Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO5-Subtraction-crossing-10-1-20.pdf-  
Answers:  -Y1-Spring-Block-1-ANS5-Subtraction-crossing-10-1-2019.pdf-  


Sheet:   -Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO6-Subtraction-crossing-10-2-2019.pdf-  
Answers for self marking: -Y1-Spring-Block-1-ANS6-Subtraction-crossing-10-2-2019.pdf-  


Sheet:   -Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO7-Related-facts-2019.pdf-  
Answers:   -Y1-Spring-Block-1-ANS7-Related-facts-2019.pdf-  

Year 2:

This weeks rule: The ee sound spelt -ey

Video Script:  -RWISp2B_vid_script_U5.doc-  
Dots and Dashes:  -RWISp2B_dot_and_dash_U5.pdf-  
Word Bank:  -RWISp2B_wordbank_U5.doc-  

Have a read through the video Script to understand the rule! Discuss it with an adult and gather an understanding.

Then for today, when you understand the new rule, make a poster to explain it and see what words you can find in books/magasines/texts around the house that follow the rule! (The word bank will help once you've finished hunting!)


I would like you today to write me some sentences using some of the words from the word bank! Focus on your spelling and your continuous cursive handwriting!

Can you add a conjunction (joining word) to connect two simple sentences to make a complex sentence?



Take the time today to practise your spellings given out on Friday.

Then have a go at completing this sheet to consolidate all the different "ee" sounds!



Spelling test today! Then your new spellings will be confirmed below!

New Spellings:



We have been consolidating our skills with Column subtraction where regrouping is required.
Work out the answers to these questions using Column Subtraction, remembering the key rule for TRADING:

Jump (from the ones to the tens)
Pinch (a ten, cross out and write how many tens are left one less)
Carry (carry and write the ten into the ones coloumn)

1. 88-29=
2. 74-15=
3. 13-4=
4. 53-24=
5. 61-19=
6. 42-25=


Today, you can either continue to consolidate column subtraction (crossing 10) by asking an adult to write you out sdome more questions like yesterday!

If you are feeling confident, this is todays work:
Sheet:  -Y2-Autumn-Block-2-WO14-Subtract-2-digit-numbers-2-201.pdf-  
Answers:   -Y2-Autumn-Block-2-ANS14-Subtract-with-2-digit-numbers-2.pdf-  


If you're ready and haven't already, complete yesterdays sheet!

If you were flling confident and ready to move on, here is todays work:

  -addition and subtraction.pdf-  



Either catch up from yesterday, concentrating on your operations. If you are confident, then below are some word problems. Read the question, highlight the key information (the numbers) then form a question from this and use your column subtraction method to work out the answer!

Sheet:   -word problems.pdf-  
Answers for self marking:  -word problem answers.pdf-  



Todsay we will be writing our openning paragraph for our stories!

The openning needs to have a setting description and a character description

Character description is a type of writing that gives the reader information about a character. This information might be related to the character's visual appearance, or it might give the reader a better sense of their personality or background.

When describing settings, it is a good idea to ask questions like:

  • What can be seen?
  • What can be heard?
  • What is the weather like?
  • Give the place a name
  • What sort of place is it? Is it hilly, rocky, sandy? Is it a city, island or something more fantastical?
  • What is the weather like there? Is it hot, icy, wet, cold?
  • What time of day is it when your story starts? Is it night, day, lunchtime, morning?

This week we are working towards writing a story to incoroporate all of our skills we have learnt in SPaG, building it over the week. Your story will be about a magical adventure the magic key takes your Worry Worm on!

Today, we are brainstorming all our ideas based on the title:

Write this in the middle of a page and brainstorm lots of ideas! In class we have a worry worm travelling to candlyland, one going to worm land, one that goes to find some insect friends in aa foreign garden and lots more!

Watch an episode of the magic key on Youtube (about 15 minutes long per episode) for inspiration and to help you understadn how a story follows the story mountain pattern (below)

You may want to consider:

Plot (what is going to happen once the magic key has worked its magic, where is the worm going to end up and what will happen?)
How will the problem be solved?
WOW words you wish to use, and aswell as adjectives and adverbs for description!

Write down as many ideas as you can and we will be continuing with this this afternoon!

Then, following on from brainstorming all of your ideas, I would like you to put the parts of your planning to wish to keep into a story mountain! I ahve attached a sheet below and a poster to look at too. Once you have completed this, you may design a front cover for your story! We will carry on with our next step tomorrow!

  -Story Mountain.pdf-  

  -Story Mountain Poster.pdf-  



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