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Homework Overview

17 Sep 2023

Class One Homework Overview
All homework (reading, maths passports, maths/written task, spellings and topic webs) will all come home in physical form. Please check your child's book bag for their reading books, spellings books and homework books.
Your child's reading book matches where they have been assessed with a Read Write Inc. Assessment. Your child's books will be changed every Thursday. This will include;
  • Book identical to the book they have read three times in class. This is to aid in word recognition and fluency.
  • Book linked to the above mentioned book with some matching green words and red words. This again aids your child in word recogntion and fluecny as well as confidence.
  • Genre Books are a free choice book that your child has chosen from a selection of fiction and non-fction books across many topics and genres. This is a book to share with your child to promote a love and pleasure for reading; story times; introduce them to new vocabulary and different ways stories can be written and many other benefits. Aspirational children may chose to read alongside you and share the reading.
  • Sound Booklets have the sounds your child is learning and will be learning. This can be used to test sound recognition and recall as well as embedding the sounds by sight which feeds into fluency when reading texts.

We ask that children read a book three times, as explained in the grid below. Alongisde this, it also hugely helps your child with their confidence as they build their fluency and become more fluent when reading. This subsequently enables them to concentrate more on the story than their 'reading skills' and develop a pleasure for reading.

  Focus Explanation
Read One Decoding the book Pupils use their phonic knowledge to decode the words on the page. Focus is solely on this rather than comprehension and understanding.
Read Two Reading for speed/fluency This is another opportunity for the pupils to apply the phonic knowledge but slightly quicker. You should recognise some of the words the second time round. Adults model prosody (intonation, expression, pausing and freezing) when they read.
Read Three Comprehension This time, the pupils read the book again, by now, they are quite familiar with the words. We asked the pupils what they think about what is happening as they read: Do they understand what they are reading?
Maths passports:
Maths passports aid your child in their ability to recall maths facts quickly and accurately.
  • Children are to work on their target (found written within their passports and the linked sheet) as part of their daily homework.
  • The children are to aim to complete all 10 questions correctly and accuratly within 45 seconds.
  • The children can practise their skill through activities, games, online maths apps (such as hit the button) and verbal testing.
  • Test will take place every 2nd Friday (unless asked for more sooner) for any children who have had three ticks place in their passports at home.
  • If a child shows accuray and confidence when tested, they will move onto their next skill/target and a new sheet will be provided.
Read Write Inc. Spellings (Year 2 upwards)
  • Children's spellings can be found in their white/red Log Book.
  • Spellings come home for daily practise on a Friday, and will be tested in school the following Friday.
  • The spellings your child is practising will be parallel to their learning in spellings at school.
  • The spellings rules can be found within the page of the Log Book to aid children in their understanding and application of the rule- not only 'for the test' but mainly for their ability to apply this in their written work with independence.
Year One Spellings
  • Can be found in your childs red spelling books.
  • Spellings will come home for daily practise on a Friday, and will be tested in school the following Friday.
  • The spellings your child is practising will be parallel to the red words/ common exceptions words found in their spellings books, in line with statutory requirements from the National Curriculum for children to be able to read and write common exception words. This consequently also helps your child with their recognition of red/common exception words within their reading, thus helping them in their fluency.
  • Found in the purple homework book, sheets will be stuck in to work on.
  • Homework will come home on  a Friday, and be due the following Thursday.
  • This work will vary weekly from maths to a written task- both linked to work at school for further learning and consolidation.
Topic webs:
This will be a web linked to the topic we are working on in school. These ideas are a guidance and all on the web is optional work for children who are wanting to be aspirational in their learning! I will stick these topic webs into your children's homework books.

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