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Friday 15th January

07 Jan 2021

Friday 15th January

Friday morning everyone! Last day and then two days away from any learning, or homeschooling! Have a lovely weekend 🤗

I am really happy with the work that is being submitted and you seem to be working through the barriers you come across with your children and homeschooling which is fantastic!

Just a quick reminder that there is a weekly topic grid at the bottom of the work page each day; this has some ideas on linked to our pirates topic for if your child is keen or you need to give them an independent task when homeschooling a sibling etc. Also, it is still vital that your child is reading a phonics or book for enjoyment to aid them at this point in their development. You don't necessarily need to tell me this in the homewrok panel, just a little reminder in case it had slipped anyones mind in amongst the world's mayhem!

Lastly, I would like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely emails and messages that have come in, and the support thats coming through from you all at home! Lets just say I feel much better about virtual teaching than I did on Monday- I wasn't made for the camera or stage 😅! And hopefully in return you know you can come to me with any concerns or problems and I will aim to resolve it and help you as best I can!

🌟🌟🌟 We are a team and we can do this! ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ


Handwriting practise today! You have the sheets in your 'homework' file (red one I usually highlight on the front of) to practise this weeks sounds and the below sheet is what we would be doing in our RWi books- these can be practised in the red lined books in your packs.
- for those children that have good independent cursive formation, you can focus on the height/proportion (refer to below image and the sea, sail and sun).

You could also make your own sound cards for th and z which can be stuck up in various places or your work area to remind you and refer to!


Consolidating all that knowledge of our 'new' number... 6!

Great starter idea: draw out the follwoing and get the children to match them up- showing they recognise the numerals and representations.

Watch the numberblocks video one last time, and hopefully it should make lots more sense than it did on Monday, and you have a deeper knowledge and understanding! Lots of you loved the powerpoint from the other day so feel free to go back through anything you wish to!

n theres two sheets below to have a go at independently so we can see what you've learned and can do!
  -I spy number 6.pdf-  

  -how many.pdf-  

Literacy is not all about writing, its all about speech, pronounciation etc. So today I would love for you to do some role-play! You could do this with you acting as a a character (pirate, parrot etc..) and pulling other members of your household along to be characters for yuor story too! You could make a telescope or treasure map to help you in your role play! Or you could make up your story like we would in the small world area at school, using lego to build a ship or modelling materials! The title of your role play is "Land Ahoy"... the story and pretend play is all up to you!

Year One

Spellings test! In your spellings books (small thin booklets we've been using since September) please have a go at a spelling test (your a-e words, which I realise you've had two less days than normal to practise, so just try your best remembering the split diagraph has two letters!). An adult reads the word to you and you have a go at writing it. You shouldnt have a copy of the words up anywhere to peep at as it is a 'blind' test. Then mark it, and any you have got wrong can be focus words you could write and stick up around the house to help you remember! Scores can be put in the homework upload comment.

Then I would like you to write in your new spellings for next week in your spelling book.
New Sound: ea (cup of tea)
New Spellings:
1. clean
2. tea
3. fear
4. dream
5. bean
6. should


Today some fun consolidation work before we move onto addition and subtraction next week! and if you manage to get through this then I have put a link to an online game at the bottom too!

Start with green for Growing,  then move to the blue for blossoming and then red as your final flourish!

  -Consolidation 1-2-3 tens and ones.pdf-


So yesterday for writing I asked you to come up with some rhyming words relating to our topic- pirates! Today I would like you to have a go at writing your own poem as your big write, using these words to rhyme! An adult can help and guide you, as I would if we were at school!

Heres a scratch garden starter to help you understand syllables and then some information and instructions below to help you! 

What are rhyming couplets?

Think about how many are in a couple- 2 or a pair! So, a couplet is a pair of lines that rhyme. Usually both lines have the same number of syllables. Some poems are made from several couplets put together.

Here’s an example of a short couplet

April showers
Bring May flowers

Couplets can be put together into longer poems. This well-known poem is made by joining two couplets. ((Each couplet represents a “stanza” in the poem.))

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, 
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

What rhyming word do you think is missing here?
Butterflies flutter around my face
Looking for nectar in the wrong _______.

Write a rhyming couplet poem:

  • First, come up with the first line of your poem.
  • Next, list some words that rhyme with the last word- which you should have already done yesterday, so this speeds things up!
  • Then, write the second line of your couplet. Make sure to use one of the rhyming words from your list so that both line endings rhyme.
  • Repeat until you feel your sea shanty/ rhyming couplet poem is complete!
As mentioned an adult can help you with this, but you need to be as independent as possible with the writing part using your writing skills:

Writing skills: capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, cursive writing where all your letter start sitting on the line, using phonics to spell, (not asking an adult for the exact spelling until you have tried!), pencil grip (three best friends go underneath and point and pinch the pencil

For anyone who wishes to make their shanty beautiful, please feel free to draw pictures or a border around your writing!


Topic Grid


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