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Class 2 work for Thursday 21st January
20 Jan 2021
Class 2 Work For Thursday 21st January
I will see you on Teams at 10am, 11.20 and 2pm
Year 3 start with the extension adding 3 numbers. Time yourself and see how quickly you do it. Year 2 do the exxtension when you have finished the first sheet.
-extension adding 3 numbers.pdf-
Year 3 maths mastery.
-year 3 maths 21121.docx-
Reading/Spelling: If you have still got the 'Smash And Grab' story please can you have it ready. Don't worry if you don't I will put the text on the board.
-lit text-V317328123.pptx-
Please can you also have your whiteboard or pencil and paper handy and your highlighter.
-Differentiated Countries with Rainforests Activity Sheet-V317311049.doc-
-Lesson Presentation Where Are the Rainforests-V317310967.pptx-
Writing: We are going to be talking about how we can build suspense in our stories. You just need your writing book and pencil and ruler.