05.01 Books & Information
05 Jan 2021
Good Afternoon everyone, I hope you are well following on from recent news!
As you will all be aware, we are adjusting, planning and preparing to move to virtual teaching next week!
Shortly you should receive an email asking about reading books. In EYFS and KS1 we get through books a lot quick than other year groups, so I am aware we need to ensure the children have enough reading materials to keep them going!
There will be daily phonics set, and with this there will be a phonics book accessible on the website (somehow... I need to work that part out! ). This will be referred to in the lessons as well as being used for the 3x read. We will see how this works to start with and go from there!
I would however, love for the children to still have a book for enjoyment- the colour banded books. I am aware that a lot of parents have books at home that their children own to read which is fantastic! For those of you that don't have access to such resources or you would still appreciate some books from school and you have read all the Christmas reading books, then please read on below!
I have set it up below for you to comment stating that you would like some books for enjoyment (and what colour band they are on would be super helpful to please!). Please be aware that we do not keep a running record of every book your child has already had/ taken home so there may end up being repeat offenders in your selection!
Packs are going to be put together and made available to you all by the end of the week- I will put requested books in these packs!
If there is anything I can send to help your child please let me know below too and I will do my best to try and get the relevant resources you require (pencil/ruler etc that you do not have access to at home.) - I will be putting the packs together Wednesday PM.
Thank you all for your ongoing support as we readjust to another way of teaching and learning- we are all in this together and I aim to make this transition as accessible as I can for you all!
Finally, I would love to set up a page to put pictures up for you to see each other working hard and show off work you are proud of! So please share alongside a little comment about your work in the homework section below/ at the bottom of each homework day! I have set up a new page for today on the homework tab! If anyone needs help navigating the website, or with anything else for that matter, please just pop admin an email and we will help as best we can!
Stay Safe, and we will all be back together before we know it!
Miss. Gregory 🤗