Sun Safety
24 Jun 2024
As the sun is finally here (hurray!) this is just a quick reminder:
Please can you ensure your child has the following in school to allow them to play in the sun rather than have to sit in the shade for safety;
- sun hat
- sun cream (names clearly labelled)
- Please note that we can not share other children's sunscream due to potential allergies etc.
- water bottle
- shorts and t-shirts in PE kits (rather than joggers etc.)
- If anyone has any spare PE kit at home please could you bring it in as we have handed out all the spares and they haven't been returned, leaving us with little spare kit.
It would also be greatly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes with your child(ren) showing them how to independently apply their cream as it is school policy that staff can't rub it in.
If you could make sure these things are all in school by Wednesday latest for Sports Day
Miss. Gregory :)