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Class One Learning WC/ 2nd September

10 Sep 2024

Class One Learning WC/ 2nd September

What an INCREDIBLE first week back we have had in Class One! I can honestly say it has been wonderful to see all the children back after 6 weeks weeks off with such enthusiasm and aspiration as they all go into their new year groups! They all came in with big smiles and lovely new shoes that they couldn't wait to show me! They told me all about their exciting adventures in the holidays including trips to the beach, museums in Iceland, Lightwater Valley days, picnics with grandparents and time spent with their families and friends!

We have done so much this week, from RE to PE, planning our classroom customs and our first Collective Worship back at school with Mrs. Barker! We have had lots of time to settle in including free-flow time with our friends, doing lots of writing and fitting in lots of story times too!

We have lots of exciting things planned, with a KS1 trip for Year 1 and 2 being planned as we speak!

Bobby Bear will be ready to start coming home on Fridays for the weekend with different children who have stood out during the week too- which he is very excited about after a 'boring' Summer with Miss. Gregory!

I will be sending out a welcome back letter on Friday 13th September once everything has settled and found it's routine after two weeks back!

As always, we continue to run an open door policy whereby anything you wish to ask or discuss or see is welcomed; but unless this is something pressing, may I politely ask this is done at the end of the day as we have lots to learn in the morning and have a tight timetable to adhere to!

Here's to a wonderful Autumn Term!

Miss. Gregory 😊

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