Class One Learning WC/ 3rd February
06 Feb 2025
Class One Learning WC/ 3rd February
This week has been packed with phonics, maths, writing, Geography, PE, PSHE, French, handwriting, RE and Reading!
Reception have now learned all their Phase three sounds, as well as numbers 6,7 and 8 in maths, learning composition one more and one less! They have been continuing their topic work on 'What is the same and what is different?', this week exploring and comparing the concept of life in a cold climate and comparing it to life in a warm climate.
Year One and Year Two have been working hard in Phonics and guided reading; Year One are wizzing through their phase 5 sounds, while Year Two have been studying the poem 'Grump, Grump, Grump' by James Carter in their Guided Reading sessions. In maths we are coming to the end of our multiplication and division unit, seeing great progress from all the children in this area! We are super stars with our 2s, 5s, 10s and even 3s! In RE we are continuing on our journey learning about 'Who is Jewish and what do they believe?'- we looked at lots of Jewish artefacts this week and discussed what they are used for!
Next week we are having a week of Art; focused on Mark Making and Drawing!
The week after half term we are having a week of DT; focused on Structures using recycled materials-
WE NEED YOUR HELP: Over the next couple of weeks it would be really appreciated if you could collect and bring in any of the following:
Bottle tops
Fabric scraps
Foam packing peanuts
Cardboard boxes
Cardboard tubes
any other Recycled materials and Packaging
Your continued support is always appreciated!