Spring Term 2
23 Feb 2025
Welcome Back for Spring Term 2
We hope you have all had a lovely week and are ready for a new half term. Below are some notices and reminders for your convenience.
- Show and Tell will now take place on a THURSDAY for Class One.
- Week Commencing 24.02.2025 is DT week in school
- Wednesday 26th February: you're welcome to come into class between 9am and 10am to share your child's books with them, discover what they have been learning about and enjoy some coffee (or tea!) too! All are welcome to come and spend some time in the classroom!
- We are excited to welcome back an ex-pupil for some work experience: Melissa will be spending time in all the classes and is looking forward to getting to know the children.
- World Book Day is coming up on the 6th of March where children are invited to dress up as a book character should they wish; home made costumes and shop bought costumes are all welcome- the staff are very excited to spend the day dressed up and doing lots of fun activities! For more information Click Here
- Week Commencing 10th March we will be holding parents evening to invite you to come in and speak with Miss.Gregory. More information to follow.
- Week Commencing 17th March we will be having our next World Region Afternoon.
- Friday 21st March is Comic Relief's Red Nose Day. More information to follow.
- Monday 24th March is School Photographs. More information to follow.
- Wednesday 2nd April we will be having the school's Easter Service. More information to follow.
- April 4th will be a school inset day. For more information Click Here
- After the Easter holidays, on Monday 28th of April there will be a Phonics Screening meeting for Year One Parents. More information to follow.
Reception and Year One Reading Books:
- Reading books will continue to be changed each Thursday once the children have read the book three times in school; giving them familiarity and confidence to build their skills with phonetical decoding, fluency, recognition of tricky words and comprehension.
- We ask that their Little Wandle Reading books are then read at least three times at home before their next book change the following Thursday, and a note is made in their reading records please.
- Using the sounds/words/tricky words/ vocbaluary on the inside of the front cover to pre-read before reading the book.
Year Two Reading Books:
- Year Two are allected independent reading time each day for reading and completing their Accelerated Reader Comprehension Quizzes when confident. Progress with quizzes and ZPD's will continue to be noted in their reading records, where we appreciate notes being made when a child reads at home in their reading records please.
All Year Groups Free- Reader Books:
- The children will continue bringing home a Free-Reader book that they choose each week. This is a book to share with an adult, to model reading and promote a love of reading! The child is welcome to read the book too if they are able and wish to try, and the children are able to change their books whenever they wish.