Risk Assessment following Government Guidance
16 Apr 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
We have received an updated risk assessment for the summer term which reflects the Government Guidance.
Beginning and End of day
We still ask for parents not to congregate in groups at pickup and drop off.
Please ensure you are wearing a face covering whilst on the school grounds.
Whilst you are waiting, social distancing must be adhered to and face masks worn at all times please.
If you require to speak to a teacher then an appointment must be made through the office. (
The office is not accessible to parents, however if you require to speak with someone from the team you can ring or email as normal.
Break times
Children will not mix into other bubbles at break at lunch. Class 2 forming one bubble and 1&3 forming the other.
Children should wear school uniform as normal. It is important that the children have layers so that they are warm as we are having to ensure the school is well ventilated.
Cleaning and hygiene regulations will stay in place to reduce any transmission within school.
Clubs commence on Monday the 19
th. They run from 3.30 until 4.30. Clubs inside will not exceed the maximum number of 15. Clubs taking place outside do not have a limit on group numbers.
Wrap Round care
As normal wrap round care runs from 7.45 – 8.45 am and then 3.30 until 5.30 Monday – Thursday, 3.30-5 on Friday. Please let the office know if you require a space.
Childcare Bubbles
Currently you are able to have one childcare support bubble, which can be used for pickup and drop off. We have been asked to share the following guidance on external childcare providers:
Cold or Coronavirus?
Covid Contact Information
Further information from North Yorkshire County Council
In summary:
- You can leave home for education (formal provision, rather than extracurricular classes such as music or drama tuition,) training, registered childcare and children’s activities that are necessary to allow parents/carers to work, seek work, or undertake education or training. Parents can still take their children to school, and people can continue existing arrangements for contact between parents and children where they live apart.
- You and your children must not meet people socially. However, you can exercise or meet in a public, outdoors space with people you live with, your support bubble (or as part of a childcare bubble), or with one other person.
Messages for parents/carers
• Please ensure that you maintain social distancing from others when dropping off and collecting your child from our school. Please follow any guidance issued by us to help with this e.g. only one adult per family should enter school grounds to drop off or collect.
• For those travelling by car we ask that you wait in your car until your specific drop off time. This will reduce the amount of people assembling in and around the school grounds and will help with social distancing.
• We recommend that all parents/carers entering the school premises (and in other congested areas around school premises) wear a face covering in addition to social distancing. This an extra safeguard to reduce the transmission of the virus. Please note that this does not apply to those who are medically exempt.
• You must keep at least two metres apart from other parents/carers at all times. Where you are unable to do so, wear a face covering.
Messages for parents/carers to talk to their children about
• Please remind your child about our policy on face coverings.
• Limit the number of people they walk to/from school with.
• Remind your child about continuing to socially distance during lunchtimes e.g. if they are allowed out of school.
• Please remind your child to leave school in a timely manner to avoid social contacts.
• Please make sure your child attends school in usual uniform with an appropriate coat for winter conditions.
• Please remember the school ‘bubbles’ do not apply outside of school (i.e. children should avoid mixing with friends outside of school, even if they are in the same ‘bubble’ at school).
Message to parents/carers about self-isolation
If you are self-isolating
• Please ensure that if you or a member of your family has Covid symptoms or has been asked to self-isolate (e.g. if they are a close contact of someone who has tested positive) that you and your household follow the self-isolation guidelines.
• Please do not send a child to school if they or a member of their household has symptoms, or if they have been asked to self-isolate.
• Please follow the national guidance:
o For individuals who have tested positive or who live in the same household as someone who is positive for covid-19: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
o For close contacts who do NOT live in the same household:
• If you require any further support (e.g. shopping, medication) whilst you are self-isolating please visit https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/help-you-during-coronavirus-covid-19 for further information.
Messages for parents/carers on current lockdown restrictions
• The new national restrictions can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november