Ofsted Report Meeting
30 Jan 2023
Childcare - If you would like to come to the meeting tomorrow but require childcare, please would you email the office by the end of day today so we can arrange staff to be in and put a film on in another classroom.
Dear Parent and Carers
The final Ofsted report will be published at the end of the week . We would like to invite you to meet with school leaders and staff to look at the Ofsted judgements and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss their findings. We realise that it is a busy week with the village pantomime but hope that as many of you as possible can attend.
North Stainley CE School, Wednesday 1st February at 5.30pm.
Please could you email Mrs Stelling at admin@northstainley.n-yorks.sch.uk if you are able to attend.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind Regards
Louise Wallen