History Helpers for Class One
27 Sep 2023
In Class One we are looking at 'How our School has Changed from the Past' in History.
To further the children's learning and understanding of these change's beyond their living memories, we are looking for any volunteers who would be able to come into school next week (Tuesday 3rd October PM) for no more than 10-15 minutes to talk to the children, share any images and stories they may have and answer some of the children's questions.
These volunteers may be past pupils of the school, or locals from the village who have seen changes over the years in relation to the school.
If you or anyone you know of who would be interested in coming in to talk with the children, please could you pass on this message and ask them to contact school either by phoning (01765 635276), through the school website (
https://www.northstainley.n-yorks.sch.uk/) or directly to admin (admin@northstainley.n-yorks.sch.uk) with the title FAO Miss.Gregory History.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Miss. Gregory