Start of term reminders
05 Sep 2024
We hope everyone had a wonderful Summer.
Just some reminders:
- Guitar and ukulele lessons with Mr Rudland-Simpson will start next Friday (13/09)
- Singing lessons with Mrs Calland will start next Tuesday (10/09)
- Class 2 and some pupils from C3 will be going Swimming, starting next Friday (13/09)
- If you have not yet handed back any consent forms that were sent out at the end of last term please bring them into the office as soon as possible. Similarly if your address/ phone number or email address has changed please let the office know as soon as possible so the records can be updated.
- We will shortly be moving to booking all clubs ( wrap- around care) through Arbor. As soon as this is finalised I will send a messge out. Until that point please continue to book in the usual way. If you have not yet logged into Arbor, please do so as soon as possible as all clubs, consents and bookings will be taken in this way going forward.
Many thanks and any questions, please email or phone the office.