World Book Day - 6th March 2025
13 Feb 2025
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March 2025
Reading is a priority within our school, and so we are very excited to be celebrating World Book Day on the 6th March.
The theme for this year is 'Read Your Way'. This campaign encourages everyone to let go of reading pressures and expectations and empowers children and young people to have fun discovering reading on their own terms.
On World Book Day, we would like to invite the children to come to school dressed as anything book related. We want this to be an enjoyable experience for our children, and we don't want it to be expensive or stressful for families, and so hopefully the below advice may help.
What if my child...
…. doesn’t like dressing up?
Keep it simple with a character who wears everyday clothes, by focussing on a prop, or by using a badge instead.
… likes non-fiction?
Focus on what they like – could they focus on the content of the book, or do they want to focus on the author?
….aren’t any good at crafting?
Stick to everyday clothes and add small details to focus on key elements of the character – hats, ears, sticking things on t-shirts etc.
We would also like to invite parents and carers into school on World Book Day to share books with their children. The children will be ready to share books with you from 9am to around 9.45am. If you are unable to make it, please don't worry, your children will be enjoying story telling with staff members.
We will be taking part in other exciting activities during the course of the day, and the children will all receive a World Book Day token which they can then swap for one of these brilliant books before 23rd March 2025.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.