Message from Mr Parkhouse
03 Mar 2025
Dear Parents,
Coffee Morning/Book Look - Thank you
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our coffee morning and ‘book look’ on Wednesday. Your support helped create a fantastic sense of community across the school, and the children were incredibly proud to share their learning with you. If you weren’t able to join us this time, don’t worry - we plan to hold another similar event before the end of the academic year.
Mother's Day Lunch
We warmly invite all mums to join us for Collective Worship and a special Mother’s Day lunch on Friday 28th March at 11:40 am in the Village Hall. This will be a lovely opportunity to celebrate together, and we’d love to see as many of you there as possible.
Start of the School Day
To create a smoother and more settled start to the day, we’re introducing a slight change to the morning routine. From 8:40am, parents are welcome to accompany their children onto the playground. At 8:50 am, teaching staff will come outside to greet the children and lead them into school from their class lines.
To help with a calm and focused start to learning, we kindly ask that parents say their goodbyes on the playground rather than coming into the classrooms. Thank you for your support with this!
End of the School Day
Although the children are very calm, the corridors and locker areas can become quite congested at home time. To ease this and ensure a safe and smooth dismissal, we will be trialling a slightly staggered finish on the playground as follows:
- Class 1 – 3:25 pm
- Class 2 – 3:30 pm
- Class 3 – 3:35 pm
Older siblings will be ready with Class 1. We will start both routines from Monday 10th March.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me any time via email -
Thank you for your continued support.
Kindest regards
Chris Parkhouse
Interim Executive Headteacher